What will you choose for a music class?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

I just recently rolled into a music class.

Just confused in what should I take...

I love drum, but the fact that I will have problem later on for practising deter me...

Piano? Somehow, I'm thinking that keyboard is a way more affordable and less stressful. But, piano sound is just sooo.. touching.

In the end, I end up with Drum class. Hopefully the teachers is serious in teaching.

Game Online: Fakta Menarik

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Imagine we are just like him since GTA & PES"
Online gaming dulunya adalah sesuatu yang buhsan dan kelam (Ragnarok, Cabal). Semenjak facebook menjadi kegilaan ramai, ia menjadi trend semula...