Kerja tukang sapu di Indonesia?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Masihkah anda ingat tentang kejadian yang berlaku di seberang Malaysia?

*Oo penyapu yang kiut~marilah ramai2 menyapu...

Selepas mendengar peristiwa kempen sapu malaysia, aku mula terbayang nasib kawan2 aku yang menyambung pelajaran di Indonesia. Bayangkan dihalau dengan buluh runcing ke sana ke mari, halangan daripada berhimpun, dan sbg.. Harap2 kawanku di sana semuanya aman (sehinggalah sekarang, syukur ia hanya propaganda).

Apa rasionalnya #SapuMalaysia ni? Semuanya berpunca daripada kesilapan iklan sebuah syarikat swasta dan kes maling budaya.

Isu ni sepatutnya isu yang biasa2. Perlu diingat ya bung2 sekalian, kita ini rumpunnya sama dan saling bergantung satu sama lain. Bukan sahaja dari sudut ekonomi,. Anda susah, kami susah.

Berbincang lah elok2, bukan menggunakan bambu. Kajilah baik buruk, bukan menghentam semata. Ada dengar kisah Robert Kuok merajuk dan buka cawangan ke Indonesia? Baca
Satu lagi konfrontasi 'Freemasonry" untuk memecah belahkan negara berumpun..

Cuti Raya

I'm on blog again??

After a long hibernating season in fasting month, I accidentally typed something here..
I'm going back for Raya..


And the exam is just near.. I hear it comes..Duh.

WHatever. I pray for everyone now!

Rules For Women

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

As a man, we always hear the rules from the female side. Now, let you hear the utmost rules from the male side:

  1. Birthdays and Anniversaries is not again a quest to find the perfect present!
  2. Sometimes we are not thinking about you. Try to live with it.
  3. Don't ever cut your long hair. This is the reason why male afraid to get married because married women tend to change to short hair, and by then you already stuck with her.
  4. Shopping is NEVER a sport. And please, we'll never think it that way.
  5. Crying is blackmail.
  6. Just say what you want, girls. Let us be clear here: Subtle, obvious and strong hints will not work to us.
  7. We don't remember dates. Mark it in calendar and remind us beforehand.
  8. Most guys only have 3 shirts and shoes. What makes you think we'd be good at choosing which pair, out of 30 is good on you?
  9. We always use Yes and No answer. It's commonly acceptable to almost all questions.
  10. Come to us if you want to solve problems. Sympathy is what your girlfriends for.
  11. If you think you're fat, you do. Don't ask. We refuse to answer that.
  12. If something that we said can be interpreted in 2 ways, and 1 will make you sad/angry, we actually meant the other one.
  13. Whenever is possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercial break.
  14. Christopher Columbus did not need direction. Neither do we.
  15. The relationship will never be going to be like the first 2 months before, so please get over it and stop whining to your girlfriends.
  16. Men only see 16 colors, like Windows default setting. Peach for example, is a fruit, not a color. So does pumpkin.
  17. If it itches, it will be scratched. Yes, we'll do that.
  18. Our lack of mind-reading ability for you is not a proof of how little we care about you.
  19. If you ask a question that you don't want to, expect an answer that you don't want to hear.
  20. When we are going out, anything that you wear is actually fine. Really.
  21. You have enough clothes and too many shoes.
  22. We always in shape. ROUND is a shape.
  23. Thank you for reading this. I know I might sleep at the couch tonight, but you know that we don't mind? It's like camping.

I like jokes. Clean jokes will do. Why take it seriously?Hahahaha...